
Showing posts from April, 2023

A Critical Reflection On A Year Of Movie Making

In the film Wrongodings, the main characters are 2 delinquent teenagers who have to learn their lessons the hard way. It shows the social issue that revolves around teenagers always causing issues and being mischievous. They get bored of hanging out at each other’s houses and to pass the time prank a random neighbor. This leads to them learning their lesson through a curse caused by the homeowner. The only way they can revert this is to clean up their mess and swear never to do it again. The story and product all tell a story of delinquents in society. The only difference is that in our products and film, we have them learn their lesson and become better through these experiences. Besides the film, our website and postcard also help represent these issues. The postcard gives a quick peek at the movie and is still able to convey this idea. The front shows a house, much like the one we prank in the movie. The picture of the teenagers playing shows that the characters are delinquents and ...

Short Film Package for Wrongdoings

Website Link: Postcard Link: DAFemZFnP7I/ P2VLgjRVxeBXuLLrr5FWxA/view? utm_content=DAFemZFnP7I&utm_ campaign=share_your_design& utm_medium=link&utm_source= shareyourdesignpanel   Short Film Link: