Finished the Final Task
I have finished the final task. My final task was to make the opening 2 minutes of a film. This task was very difficult. We had to learn new editing and filming techniques. One new thing we did was having to add in title cards. We also had to learn how to email people professionally to request access to their music. Luckily I had my groupmates. They were all very helpful. I also had my teachers. They guided us and taught us a lot of what we needed to know. The last person that really helped us was our friend Addison. While filming our groupmate Julie got sick. This means we needed someone who could play her character. Addison was nice enough to help us and act for us. This project overall was very fun and challenging. I have learned so much from this class. I put everything I learned into use during the making of this project. Figuring out how to edit in the music and the title screens was very new to us. It was also very difficult for us. After a couple tries and versions we were able to get all the title cards to look good and all the music to sound right. Now that we are done with our final task we can focus more on the official Aice test.
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