Adding Sounds

Today I want to add music to the movie. The music helps the viewers understand the tone of each scene. My group plans to use more than one piece of music. I spent today searching around on music and video sites. Some places I checked Spotify for music. I also checked Soundcloud. I even checked YouTube for music. I also looked at some royalty free websites. I was looking for exciting music. Any music found may be used more than once. It might also only be used once. I ended up on a royalty free music site. this site was called I then went to their 'cool' music section. One of the first songs I listened to on that site was called Legend. this was created by the Polaroids. It is a cool song that makes use of instruments like the guitar. The issue is that is costs money to use. This means I will have to find a different song or site. This was a learning process however. Now I know what to look for when searching for other music. Overall, finding the music was a fun process that was very different from last year.


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