All Finished

I have finished my movie. Our assignment was to make a 5-minute movie. This was very difficult. We had to learn new editing and filming techniques. One new thing we did was adding in an ending. Last year all we did was create the beginning. This time we needed to add an extra 3 minutes. We also had to have a completed story. Not only did we need to make a beginning but we also needed a middle and an end now. This meant my group needed to create a whole story. Luckily I had my groupmates. They were all very helpful. I also had my teachers. They guided us and taught us a lot of what we needed to know. With this team, my groupmates and I were able to create a whole story. This project overall was very fun and challenging. I have learned so much from this class. I learned how to write a complete story. I also learned how to create full stories. I put everything I learned into use during the making of this project.


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