Immediately after filming, I started re-watching the filming. I found a few errors. I needed to re-film any scenes with errors in them. They had errors like too small of a zoom. In some, an extra person was in the background. In some, the camera was flipped the wrong way. These were all easy fixes, however. I had a simple plan. Friday after school my group met up. The group then decided whose house to start at. The group began at mine. I had to reshoot the opening scene. I decided to make it wider. This was so that everyone was visible. Another issue at my house was that Sean was visible. He was not supposed to be visible in this scene. Unfortunately, I couldn't crop or edit him out either. This meant I had to re-film the whole scene. Luckily this worked and he wasn't in the corner again. Through this method, I successfully re-shot any mistakes from my group's film.
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