Combining Scenes
We have finished filming. This means we have all our shots collected. This includes singular shots and group shots. Now that everything is filmed we can edit. We started by putting all the shots into our editing software. We used iMovie to edit. We have used iMovie before. We used it for our projects last year. Because of this, we know how to work it. Once all our shots were in the iMovie we started editing them. We cropped them first. We started by making some shorter. We also made a couple longer. We did this by cutting off the end or making the shot slower so it takes longer. Another thing we did was crop it which changed the size of the video. In the editing process, we also cropped the size of it to make them smaller and more zoomed in. We also artificially zoomed in so you can see better. We still need to add the music and the title cards. We plan to do this soon when we finish all of the editing. That is all of the editing we were able to get done today.
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