
A Critical Reflection On A Year Of Movie Making

In the film Wrongodings, the main characters are 2 delinquent teenagers who have to learn their lessons the hard way. It shows the social issue that revolves around teenagers always causing issues and being mischievous. They get bored of hanging out at each other’s houses and to pass the time prank a random neighbor. This leads to them learning their lesson through a curse caused by the homeowner. The only way they can revert this is to clean up their mess and swear never to do it again. The story and product all tell a story of delinquents in society. The only difference is that in our products and film, we have them learn their lesson and become better through these experiences. Besides the film, our website and postcard also help represent these issues. The postcard gives a quick peek at the movie and is still able to convey this idea. The front shows a house, much like the one we prank in the movie. The picture of the teenagers playing shows that the characters are delinquents and ...

Short Film Package for Wrongdoings

Website Link: Postcard Link: DAFemZFnP7I/ P2VLgjRVxeBXuLLrr5FWxA/view? utm_content=DAFemZFnP7I&utm_ campaign=share_your_design& utm_medium=link&utm_source= shareyourdesignpanel   Short Film Link: 

All Finished

I have finished my movie. Our assignment was to make a 5-minute movie. This was very difficult. We had to learn new editing and filming techniques. One new thing we did was adding in an ending. Last year all we did was create the beginning. This time we needed to add an extra 3 minutes. We also had to have a completed story. Not only did we need to make a beginning but we also needed a middle and an end now. This meant my group needed to create a whole story. Luckily I had my groupmates. They were all very helpful. I also had my teachers. They guided us and taught us a lot of what we needed to know. With this team, my groupmates and I were able to create a whole story. This project overall was very fun and challenging. I have learned so much from this class. I learned how to write a complete story. I also learned how to create full stories. I put everything I learned into use during the making of this project.

Incorporating Suggestions

 Today I finally incorporated the suggestions I got from people. I will be mainly incorporating tips from my dad. I will also use suggestions from other family members. People I will also incorporate suggestions from will also be my mom and my sister and even my friend Arthur. This is because I used his review for my 'Viewer Comments' blog. I already stated why I used his review in the last blog. It was because he was the most knowledgeable about films. This meant I took his critics very seriously. The first fix I did with my group was adding more music. This was because he said we needed more. In order to do this I found more free music. To find this free music I found more royalty-free music from stock music sites. One site I found was called soundstripe. It has a lot of good upbeat and atmospheric music. I plan to show these songs to my group to find one everyone likes. Another site I found with royalty-free music is pixaby. It had great instrumental-only music. Once again I...

Viewer Comments

Today I showed people the current state of my movie. I showed a few friends. I also showed my family members. I showed my mom, my dad, and my sister. They all had lots of compliments to give. They said it was a very nice film. They also said they could tell I put a lot of hard work into it. I am going to focus on what my dad critiqued. I am having him review it because he watches a lot of films so he will be a good judge. My dad also is very honest. This means he is a great person to ask. He will tell me any problems my movie has. He will also tell me how he thinks they should be fixed. Luckily my dad said the movie was very good. One critique my dad has was the music. He said it needs more music in it. This is all good news because my group plans to further edit it. I am already planning to add more music. Hopefully, after I make all these changes my dad will have no other critiques. Sometime soon I and the rest of my group will incorporate the rest of the changes.

Adding Sounds

Today I want to add music to the movie. The music helps the viewers understand the tone of each scene. My group plans to use more than one piece of music. I spent today searching around on music and video sites. Some places I checked Spotify for music. I also checked Soundcloud. I even checked YouTube for music. I also looked at some royalty free websites. I was looking for exciting music. Any music found may be used more than once. It might also only be used once. I ended up on a royalty free music site. this site was called I then went to their 'cool' music section. One of the first songs I listened to on that site was called Legend. this was created by the Polaroids. It is a cool song that makes use of instruments like the guitar. The issue is that is costs money to use. This means I will have to find a different song or site. This was a learning process however. Now I know what to look for when searching for other music. Overall, finding the music was a fun pr...

Adding Titles And Credits

Last time I added all the shots. I edited the shots as well last time. I cropped, zoomed, and cut them together. Now me and my group get to finish the rest of the editing. Today I added the title cards. This was one of the most difficult things to do while editing. I had to find blank spaces on every shot they were needed and sometimes there wouldn't be enough space for it. It was also difficult to make them pop out. Sometimes they blended too much into the background and so I would have to do slight changes throughout the editing process. My group also had to make sure all the titles appeared within the first minute. This was hard as many spots in the first minute had no room for a title. Luckily though I was able to find spaces for them all. This was because of the storyboard. While filming I used the storyboard as a draft to follow. When my group was filming and anyone noticed openings I wrote them down on the storyboard where I should add a title. With this I was able to fit th...